City Of Mission Receives Notice Of Unlawful Prior Restraint On Free Speech From Fire Fighters Legal Counsel
After a day that Lt. Silva spoke at a council meeting of his reprimands and unlawful orders. The City of Mission was placed on notice by our legal counsel to ensure the the unconstitutional actions of the fire department cease immediately, that written reprimands be rescinded and SOP's be rewritten to comply with the First Amendment. The ongoing attacks on our members will not deter fire fighters from speaking out. The unlawful orders are just a sample of what city administration and fire administration are doing to tight lip fire fighters from speaking of matters of public concern. If the City of Mission continues to violate our constitutional rights we will be forced to seek legal action. It is our hope that the city will comply and resolve the issue soon. Here is the Letter to City of Mission by Association's Legal counsel
***Originally posted November 11, 2020