latest news

Union Leader's 24 Years Of Service To Both His Fellow Fire Fighters And His Community

Mission Firefighters Association President Mike Silva has seen it all in his tenure. When he was hired in November 1998, Local 3609 had not been formed, fire department-based EMS was not a thing, and the department only had six members per shift running out of two stations. Fast forward 24 years since Silva was hired, and the fire department is a completely different place. Today, Mission is served by five fire stations with 22 firefighters per shift, keeping pace with a growing city. Of ...

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Fire Fighter-Backed Candidate Prevails In Mayoral Election

The fire fighters in Mission, Texas, don’t normally involve themselves in local elections, but that all changed this spring as the city’s mayoral race headed for a three-way runoff between the incumbent, a former mayor, and a 15-year councilwoman. The fire fighters were at a crossroads, frustrated by the lack of cooperation with the incumbent mayor, and decided to jump in the mix and use their political clout to push a friendly face to public safety over the finish line. “We do not ...

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Setting The Record Straight About Mission’s Support Of Their Fire Fighters

Recently comments were made about how your Mission Fire Fighters are “taken care of” by elected officials. We would like to provide transparency on this subject. Please see the letter from Mission Fire Fighters Association to the elected officials regarding these comments.

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Mission Fire Fighters Endorse Moises "Moy" Iglesias For Mission City Council Place 1

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Mission Fire Fighters Endorse Abiel Flores For Mission City Council Place 3

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Mission Fire Fighter Homer Salinas Wins Legal Victory In City's Lawsuit To Deny Cancer Treatment Benefits

Mission firefighters are grateful for the court ruling that moves Lt. Homer Salinas a step closer to defeating the City of Mission’s taxpayer-funded lawsuit to deny workers’ compensation insurance coverage for his occupational cancer treatments. In a pivotal ruling, the court struck the city’s key designated medical expert witness in the case and rejected city efforts to designate another one. We appreciate the continuing good work of Homer’s attorneys with the legal team at the Texas...

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Mission Fire Fighters Provide Information About Contagious Delta Variant

What is the Delta variant? Delta is the name for the B.1.617.2. variant of COVID-19, which originally surfaced in India in December 2020. This strain spread rapidly, becoming the dominant strain of the virus in both India and then Great Britain. Now, it has reached the United States, and the Delta variant is the most dominant form of COVID-19, accounting for more than 83% of new cases. Why is the Delta variant a concern? The Delta variant is a strain of COVID-19 that has mutations in the...

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