latest news

Mission Fire Fighters Help Vaccinate The Community

Today, residents ages 65 years and older were eligible to receive the Moderna vaccine. Fire Fighters were proud to be part of vaccinating the community. The main benefit that vaccination has brought to our species is its ability to prevent disease and save lives. If you missed the opportunity to get vaccinated, additional vaccinations are coming. ***Originally posted January 28, 2021

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Lt. Homer Salinas Battles TML For Worker's Comp Benefits, Hearing Set For February 11th

This morning Lt. Homer Salinas, entered a zoom courtroom hearing in regards to the ridiculous lawsuit filed by the City of Mission, insurance carrier. If you recall, Lt. Homer Salinas contracted occupational cancer on the job and won all his legal battles. Now, TML wants to overturn those rulings and take away Lt. Salinas benefits. ***Originally posted January 22, 2021

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Mission Fire Fighters Begin To Receive 2nd Dose Of COVID-19 Vaccine

It has been three weeks since the first COVID-19 vaccine has been administrated to fire fighters, which means many are due for their second shot. More than 90% of fire fighters now have been vaccinated and are anxious to receive the second dose.By the end of the month, fire fighters will have 95% immunity, which is the greatest gift we could have. ***Originally posted January 7, 2021

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Mission Fire Fighters Receive COVID-19 Vaccine, Second Dose In 21 Days

Mission fire fighters started to receive their COVID-19 vaccines this weekend. Those who received their vaccine, who are some of the first in the state, started getting their first round Saturday. Fire Fighters were invited to get vaccinations earlier than expected and was an opportunity firefighters could not pass up. Vaccinations for fire fighters will continue through the week and hope to have everyone vaccinated by the end of the month. We strive to stay on the front lines helping...

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Fire Fighters Rescue 4-Year-Old Boy Trapped In Water Well

A 4-year-old boy was rescued and was air-lifted to a nearby hospital after falling down a water well. Our Special Operations Team along with other agencies worked tirelessly to free the boy. We are happy to report the boy is safe and doing well. ***Originally posted December 9, 2020

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Fire Fighters Give Back To The Community

Fire Fighters are giving back to the community they love. Yesterday, fire fighters presented a check for the blessed boxes. The boxes ensure Mission residents always have something to eat. It is a leave what you can, and take what you need concept. There is 8 blessed boxes throughout the city and welcome anyone who wishes to drop off non-perishable items at the locations listed. 1. Jaycee Park 2. La Cuchilla 3. Beto Salinas park in Madero 4. The main pantry on 1st and Mayberry 5...

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District Court Judge To Determine Whether To Dismiss A Frivolous Lawsuit Against Lt. Homer Salinas

On January 22, 2021, a District Court Judge will determine whether to dismiss a frivolous lawsuit case. TML, the insurance carrier for the City of Mission, continues to pursue legal action against Mission Fire Department Lt. Homer Salinas. If you recall, we reported 3 years ago that several administrative judges had ruled Salinas’ workers comp claim was compensable. Now TML wants to reverse the rulings. Once again, we continue to defend what’s entitled under state law. ***Originally po...

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