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Legislative Update

With 14 days left of the 86th legislative session SB 2551, workers comp bill, was referred to House State Affairs last week and a hearing was held this morning. We are expected that the bill we be voted out tomorrow and be on its way to the committee of calenders. This is very good development and involved a lot of work to get it routed properly. If everything goes as planned we will have the the bill heard on the house floor by next Tuesday. This bill was filed on the Senate side a little over 2 weeks ago and as promised we shifted focus and managed to get things moving fairly quickly. We still have some work to do.

HB 1885 BIll of rights bill died 2 weeks ago as there was to many lies being spread about the bill and ask the author to kill his own bill.

These bills right now are moving pretty fast and hope to have another report to you soon.

HB 2143 – this bill strengthens our PTSD workers comp bill from last Session. It is headed over to the Senate today.

HB 3635 – This bill indexes to LODD to inflation. Waiting for hearing in Senate.

HB 766 – Tuition exemption for disabled fire fighters. Waiting for Senate Hearing.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

-Mike Silva

***Originally Posted May 13, 2019

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